Humane Agrarian Centre is a place to practice life in coexistence.

Our aim is to inspire farmers to lead their lives with self-reliance, prosperity and dignity.

HAC was founded in February 2016 by the adherents of Avartansheel Kheti with wisdom from all over the world to liberate the mind of the farmers from the wrong notion that farming is a business of loss. HAC is working towards capacity building of marginal farmers through education, awareness, hand-holding and turning them into self-reliant producers and entrepreneurs.

हमारे प्रयास

Avartansheel Kheti
एकीकृत कृषि प्रशिक्षण

किसान समूहों एवं ग्राम समाज के स्तर पर किसानों को आत्मनिर्भर हो कर एकीकृत कृषि प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करते हैं।

किसान विद्यापीठ

नवयुवकों और नए किसानो के लिए ओपन स्कूल जो की अवर्तनशील विधि पर आधारित लघु एवं लंबी अवधि के खेती प्रशिक्षण और फार्म डिज़ाइन कोर्स आयोजित करता है।

कृषि उद्यमिता विकास

गांवों में स्वरोजगार एवं रोजगार सृजन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए लघु प्रसंस्करण इकाइयों और कृषि उद्यम विकास को प्रोत्साहन और ट्रेनिंग प्रोग्राम।

कृषि अनुसंधान और तकनीकी विकास

प्रगतिशील किसानों के सहियोग से प्राकृतिक खेती के क्षेत्र में अनुसंधान एवं किसान की लागत को कम करने वाली तकनीकी और उपकरणों का विकास करना।  

खेती घाटे का सौदा है !

किसानों को इस गलत धारणा से मुक्त करने के लिए  एच० ए० सी० शिक्षा, जागरूकता और मार्गदर्शन के माध्यम से सीमांत किसानों एवं नवयुवकों को आत्मनिर्भर उत्पादकों और उद्यमियों में बदलने का प्रयास कर रहा है।

Farmer Prem Singh

Founder Kisaan School

Prem Singh is a farmer from village Brokhar Kurd in Banda district of Uttar Pradesh. He received his early education from government school in his village and later went on to Allahabad University to pursue an MA in Philosophy.​ After completing his masters he decided to go back to village and began farming. With no formal education in agriculture, Prem Singh began farming in 1987 with the little knowledge he gained from his family and fellow farmers in village. He adopted the then prevalent farming method of two crops a year, dependant heavily on chemical fertilizers, irrigation through diesel pumps channelling the monsoon waters. He soon realised that despite intensive efforts put in by the farmer this method brought profits only to seed, fertilizer and tractor companies while the farmer was left with hopelessness and debts to pay at the mercy of only government aids.

Determined to bring positive change to his family and fellow farmers, Prem Singh started working on alternative models of farming. He started in 1990 with cultivating flowers, setting up orchards and a gau-shala. He developed ingenious tools and techniques to make farming more sustainable. In 1996 he developed his own farming method based on Avartansheel Artha-Shastra (Introduced by Shri A. Nagraj, proponent of harmonious co-existence) and cyclic properties in nature, he named this method Avartansheel Kheti. Inspired by his success, fellow farmers adopted this method of farming and soon a self-sustainable and happy community flourished.

While receiving an honour in 2010 by the then President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in Gulbarga, Karnataka, he realised that the government, its leaders and the bureaucracy of the country did not have a vision or solutions to the Indian farmer’s problem. This realisation came about when Dr. Kalam fell short of an appropriate answer to a question by a little girl on why the children of the nation are encouraged to become engineers, doctors, govt. officials and not farmers. He later converted his farm into an open school for farmers and everyone who is interested in natural farming, environment conservation and inclusive society, which was formally named Humane Agrarian Centre in 2016. Since then farmers, environment enthusiasts, social workers and volunteers from around the globe have been actively involved with the school.

HAC Campus

( प्रेम सिंह की बगिया )

6 Acre campus is a live demonstration of integrated natural farming & a research centre. Campus houses a farming school, museum that displays history & evolution of farming, mud residences, fruit orchards, vegetable gardens, gau-shala, composting units, organic micro-nutrients lab and agricultural produce processing unit etc.​

Bio-diversity at Campus


Types of fruit tress

Vegetable Garden

Vegetables & Leafy Greens

Tulsi Plant

Medicinal Herbs & Spices

Desi Phool

Ornamental & Exotic Flowers

Desi Cow

Native Cows, Goats & Buffalo

Chicken Farming

Birds, Chickens, Ducks etc.

Recent Activities

स्थापना दिवस के अवसर पर गोष्ठी का आयोजन 

शिवंश खाद बनाने की वर्क्शाप का एक दृश्य

फ़िल्म निर्माता श्री नंदन सक्सेना के साथ वेबिनार

गुरुग्राम में आयोजित TED Talk का एक दृश्य

Lallantop चैनल को दिए इंटर्व्यू का एक दृश्य

Media Publications

Avartansheel Kheti
Gaon Connection 

अमेरिका समेत कई देशों के किसान जिनसे खेती के गुर सीखने आते हैं बुंदेलखंड
Read more..

Avartansheel Kheti
Your Story

This farmer went debt-free by saying no to banks
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Avartansheel Kheti
The Better India

Innovative Experiment Helps UP Farmer Become Debt-Free.
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A success story in parched Bundelkhand
The Hindu

A success story in parched Bundelkhand.
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Avartansheel Kheti
Nav Bharat Times

प्रेम ने बदल दी खेती की परिभाषा !
Read more..

Avartansheel Kheti
Dainik Jagran

आवर्तनशील खेती की पूरे विश्व को जरूरत... Read more..

Avartansheel Kheti
Hindustan Times

बंगले को बना दिया खेती की ‘पाठशाला
Read more..

Avartansheel Kheti
Amar Ujala

खेती का तरीका बदलें, कमाएं लाभ !
Read more..

Join Us

4 Days Training Program
20 Days Internship Program
Volunteer at Farm
Long Term Residential Program

Blog Articles

Avartansheel Kheti
Key elements of Avartansheel Kheti
स्थानीय सूक्ष्मजीवी निर्माण विधि (IMO बनाने की विधि)
आवर्तनशील खेती - पोषक चक्र सिद्धांत
खेती परिवार एवं गाँव (समाज) का विषय है, न कि व्यक्तिगत।
मानव क्रिया-कलाप में अवधारणा की भूमिका।
स्वायत्तता (आत्मनिर्भरता) ही समझदारी का प्रमाण है।

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