Avartansheel Kheti

Periodic proportionate farming method

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Farming is not just cultivating land & harvesting crops. Farming is a way of earning livelihood that by following laws of nature, preserving ecological balance and perpetuity in nature.


Farming is not merely an action of maximising production by exploiting nature in a desire to earn limitless profit. Unfortunately in modern society farming is widely misunderstood by this approach. This has not only disturbed the environmental balance but also made farmer poor and destroyed social fabric of rural society. Therefore it becomes necessary to understand this fact that balance in nature is the basis of qualitative production, which is not possible if environment is disturbed. As a result of our limited approach today mankind is facing issues like malnutrition, income inequality and climate change.

For human beings in order to be in harmony and balance within and with all, there is a need to understand principle of coexistence and live accordingly. Understanding oneself, harmony in the existence and human conduct (living with values, character and ethics), leads to living in harmony with each other and everything else in nature. Living with humane conduct is the foundation for establishing harmonious global systems leading to harmony and sustainability on Earth.

Avartansheel kheti - is a method of fulfilling one's basic needs of family- food, housing and clothing etc. while maintaining fertility of land, and balance in nature. With this approach it is possible to achieve sustainable human growth while maintaining ecological balance.

At the core of Avartansheel Kheti is the ideology of harmonious coexistence that places human beings in an arrangement of harmony with other elements of existence. To understand the concept of Avartansheel Kheti, it is essential to understand the ideology of co-existentialism.

Avartansheel refers to qualitative regeneration. Whole matter (water, wind, river, mountains, soil, metals etc.) are eternal in nature, plants, forests, flora and fauna is regenerative on the basis of seeds and animals and birds is avartansheel (regenerative) on the basis of their lineage. Human beings are avartansheel based on their rites and worldview.

Entire existence is present in four states:

1. NON LIVING MATTER : Stones, Gems, Water, Dust, Air etc.

2. LIVING MATTER : Plants and Vegetation

3. LIVING ORGANISM : Birds & Animal kingdom

4. CONSCIOUSNESS : Human beings

In nature all elements exists in a definite proportion. Water - the base of life itself is fixed ratio of hydrogen and oxygen and water on earth is present in a fixed ratio, only than other life is created. All elements are periodically regenerative, proportional and eternal. Any imbalance in this proportion results into natural calamities, epidemics and social problems. All four stages of nature evolves continuously. The evolved form of non-living matter state is living matter, living matter further evolves into living organism and conscious being is the evolved form of living organism. All four stages are always present and are the basis of each other's nutrition and enrichment.

Avartansheel Kheti
Key elements of Avartansheel Kheti
आवर्तनशील खेती - पोषक चक्र सिद्धांत
खेती परिवार एवं गाँव (समाज) का विषय है, न कि व्यक्तिगत।
मानव क्रिया-कलाप में अवधारणा की भूमिका।
स्वायत्तता (आत्मनिर्भरता) ही समझदारी का प्रमाण है।
स्थानीय सूक्ष्मजीवी निर्माण विधि (IMO बनाने की विधि)


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