खेती बड़ी जिम्मेदारी का काम है।

Good agriculture practice is not only important for food security but it also plays an important role in maintaining environmental balance and stable economy.

Kisaan School at HAC Banda campus is an open learning school that offers farming courses and training programs based on Avartansheel Kheti (Periodic Proportionate Farming) method.

Kisaan School
  • All courses are open for participants from all ages, ethnicity and nationality. There is no eligibility criteria for 4 day training course. 
  • Curriculum follows a combination of classroom teaching, practical field work, community learning and participatory approach.
  • Courses are taught by farmers those who are practicing Avartansheel Kheti themselves for years.
  • Farm visits and group activities are also arranged for participants to demonstrate live models and techniques
  • For any queries you may reach us via email at avartansheelkheti@gmail.com or by phone on +91 9936041031
4 Day Avartansheel Kheti Course

This is a foundation course based on avartansheel farming method. This course is for anyone who is interested in organic farming, natural farming or sustainable agriculture. Course material is designed in such a way that anyone without any background in agriculture or environment can learn fundaments of natural farming.

- Introduction to theory of co-existentialism and concept of avartansheel method of farming

- Self-sufficient farming & ways to develop self-sustainable farms

- Water conservation & indigenous methods of water management

- Soil fertility and role of microbes & microorganisms

- Demonstration of various composting methods - Vermicompost, NADEP, Shivansh, Chicken manure,
Mixed compost etc.

- Principles of farm design, pest management and preparing micro nutrients.

- Farm visits and hands on -kitchen garden, mixed farming, integrated farming, multi-layer farming etc.

- Evaluation and experience sharing session at the end of the course.

Course Fee Rs.3000
(including accommodation and food)
20 Day Internship Program

Avartansheel farming training course specially designed for agriculture students & young farmers. Applicants may apply for this internship individually or though their respective college / university / institution as per requirements of their diploma/ graduation course. Non-agriculture university students those who have already taken 4 Day course may also apply.

- All topics covered in 4 day course are taught in detail.

- Practical hands-on soil preparation, plantation, compost making, pest management & micro nutrients preparation.

- Practical training and farms activities designed for full day engagement at farm.

- Fully residential course. Students are required to stay in campus for entire course duration.

- Farm visits and interaction sessions with farmers practicing natural and organic integrated farming.

6-12 Months Residential Course

This is a long term residential course for individuals interested in co-existentialism, natural farming & rural livelihood. Course has no specific outline or structure. Participants will have to participate in class room lectures & practical training workshops along with active participation in daily activities at HAC in order to get exposure of various aspects of agrarian production & rural society. Participants will learn about living life in co-existential way, avartansheel farm design, farm management, rural livelihood and socio-economic dimensions of rural society.

Interest participants may write us an email stating their purpose for attending this program and expected outcome from this engagement. Very basic residential and all essential facilities are available at HAC. Students are offered stays in village style mud houses & organic food is served grown at campus farm.

Image Gallery

Avartansheel Kheti
Avartansheel Kheti

Avartansheel Kheti Videos

Online Course Videos

A video series on Avartansheel Kheti is available on our Youtube channel.




Visitor's Testimonial

Humane Agrarian Centre is a self-sustainable place where one can learn farming along with history of farming which is extra-ordinary. We only read history of kings & rulers but here they have built a museum depicting history of farmers and farming.

Manisha Ahlawat

This school is such an important place to come. Open minded in thinking, experimental still deeply rooted into natural farming, with idealistic thoughts how humans should live and always remain positive and on the road of happiness. How great would be such a place in my country."​.

Caroline Vallazza
Volunteer, Austria

Surrounded by the lush green fields, chirping birds, hens and two dogs; farm is filled with life. The vegetable garden, cow shed, procession unit, mango orchard all within a few acres made perfect sense. The men & the women on the warm welcomed me warmly & encourages me to learn the daily chores that happens at the farm.

Aarti Narayen
India Fellow

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Blog Articles

Avartansheel Kheti
Key elements of Avartansheel Kheti
स्थानीय सूक्ष्मजीवी निर्माण विधि (IMO बनाने की विधि)
आवर्तनशील खेती - पोषक चक्र सिद्धांत
खेती परिवार एवं गाँव (समाज) का विषय है, न कि व्यक्तिगत।
मानव क्रिया-कलाप में अवधारणा की भूमिका।
स्वायत्तता (आत्मनिर्भरता) ही समझदारी का प्रमाण है।

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